

















・当社では、事業の用に供する全ての個人情報(以下、単に「個人情報」といいます)の取扱いに際して、適切な権利保護及び安全対策を講ずるために、JIS Q 15001:2017に準拠した個人情報保護マネジメントシステムを構築します。また、これを確かなものとするために、個人情報保護に関する基準や具体的なルールを定めた社内規程並びに個人情報保護を適切に行うための組織体制を整備します。









・当社では、JIS Q 15001:2017に定める一定の場合を除き、特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱い(目的外利用)は行いません。また、当社が意図しない個人情報の目的外利用を防ぐために、適切な措置を行うものとします。


・個人情報の提供にあたっては、JIS Q 15001:2017に定める一定の場合を除き、事前に本人の同意を得た後に行います。








代表取締役 中嶋 昭仁



住所:〒461-0001  名古屋市東区泉1-23-36(NBN泉ビル)

電話:052-951-0111  総務部(事務局 久野)

e-mail アドレス

個人情報管理責任者(個人情報保護管理者) 中丸 信之


認定個人情報保護団体の名称: 一般財団法人日本情報経済社会推進協会

苦情の解決の申出先: 認定個人情報保護団体事務局

住所: 〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木1-9-9 六本木ファーストビル

電話番号: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779

Privacy Policy

Toyota Tourist International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) establishes the following basic policy for its efforts to protect personal information.


Handling of Personal Information

1. Recognition of the Importance of Personal Information Protection


[Personal Information Protection Philosophy]

Toyota Tourist International Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) aims to be a company trusted and relied upon by customers, with the motto of “detailed service and convenience,” utilizing the knowledge and achievements cultivated as a member of the Toyota Group. Based on this philosophy, the Company strongly recognizes the importance of protecting customers’ personal information and respecting privacy, and implements the following initiatives.

[Basic Policy]

1. When collecting personal information, the Company will do so by lawful and appropriate means within the scope necessary for business purposes.
2. When using personal information, the Company will clarify the purpose of use and use it within the scope necessary to achieve that purpose.
3. To arrange travel for customers, the Company will provide personal information to transportation and accommodation agencies and arrangement agents within the necessary scope.
4. The Company will appoint a personal information protection manager and store personal information securely under appropriate management.
5. The Company will take reasonable organizational and technical preventive and corrective measures against risks such as unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information handled within the Company.
6. To ensure reliable personal information protection, the Company will comply with various laws and regulations related to personal information protection, national guidelines, travel industry laws, social norms, and public order and morals.
7. When customers request to inquire about or correct their personal information, the Company will respond within a reasonable scope after confirming the customer’s identity.
8. The Company will continuously review and improve the above initiatives through regular audits, etc.
For inquiries and complaints regarding this content, please contact the “Personal Information Consultation Desk” below.

2. Basic Concept on Handling Personal Information

(1) Establishment of Personal Information Protection Management System

The Company will establish a personal information protection management system in accordance with JIS Q 15001:2017 to protect appropriate rights and ensure safety when handling all personal information used for business purposes (hereinafter referred to as “personal information”). To ensure this, the Company will establish internal regulations and specific rules for personal information protection and an organizational structure to appropriately handle personal information.
The personal information protection management system will be continuously improved in line with the Company’s business scope and changes in internal and external environments.
The privacy policy will be documented and made known to officers and employees through posting on the internal server’s shared folder and other means.
The privacy policy will be documented and made public to the general public and stakeholders through the website and other methods.

(2) Compliance with Laws and Regulations

-The Company will comply with laws, national guidelines, and guidelines related to personal information protection.
-When the Company receives requests from business partners regarding personal information protection measures, it will respond appropriately under its responsibility.

(3) Acquisition, Use, and Provision of Personal Information

The Company will acquire personal information within the scope of business execution and operation.
When acquiring personal information, the Company will clarify the purpose of use as much as possible and implement it within the necessary limits to achieve that purpose.
The Company will not handle personal information beyond the scope necessary to achieve the specified purpose of use (use for other purposes) except in certain cases specified by JIS Q 15001. The Company will take appropriate measures to prevent unintended use of personal information.
When entrusting the handling of personal information to external businesses to achieve business purposes, the Company will request appropriate personal information protection measures from the entrusted party.
When providing personal information, the Company will obtain the individual’s consent in advance except in certain cases specified by JIS Q 15001.

(4) Safety Management and Rights Protection of Personal Information

The Company will recognize risks to personal information (unauthorized access, leakage, loss, damage, infringement of rights related to personal information, unintended use for other purposes, etc.) and take appropriate measures to prevent these risks.
In the event of a complaint or incident related to personal information (including cases where risks to personal information have materialized), as well as when a serious situation that may lead to a personal information accident is discovered, the Company will immediately take emergency measures and corrective actions, including measures to prevent recurrence.
The Company will appropriately respond to inquiries, complaints, consultations, and requests regarding the handling of personal information from the individual. To ensure this, the Company will establish a consultation desk for handling personal information and set up a reception system for inquiries, complaints, consultations, and requests.
Notification of Matters Concerning Retained Personal Data or Records of Provision to Third Parties

1. Company Name
Toyota Tourist International Co., Ltd.
NBN Izumi Building 7F 1-23-36 Izumi, Higashi-ku, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture
President: Akihito Nakajima

2. Personal Information Management Officer (Personal Information Protection Manager)
Name: Nobuyuki Nakamaru
TEL: 052-951-0111

Purpose of Use of Retained Personal Data
a. Retained personal data of employees, including officers
■For the Company’s personnel and labor management
b. Retained personal data of job applicants
■For recruitment screening
c. Retained personal data generated in connection with the operation of the Privacy Mark
■For the management of the Privacy Mark operation
d. Retained personal data entrusted by customers and other external business partners
■For the management of information entrusted in the travel agency business
e. Retained personal data related to business partners
■For the management of transactions
3. Complaints and Requests (Disclosure/Correction, etc.) Regarding Retained Personal Data or Records of Provision to Third Parties
Please consult the “Contact for Inquiries Regarding Personal Information” below. We will guide you through the procedures.

Date of Establishment: August 1, 2008
Date of Revision: December 21, 2022
Date of Revision: April 1, 2023
Date of Revision: June 21, 2023
Date of Revision: October 1, 2024
Toyota Tourist International Co., Ltd.
President: Akihito Nakajima

[Personal Information Consultation Desk]

For inquiries regarding personal information, please send an email with your name, contact information, and question to the following email address or contact the following phone number. The same desk also accepts requests for disclosure and other matters related to personal information from the individual.
Email Contact:
Phone Contact: 052-951-0111 (Personal Information Consultation Desk)
[Name of Certified Personal Information Protection Organization and Contact for Complaint Resolution]
Name of Certified Personal Information Protection Organization: Japan Information Processing Development Corporation
Contact for Complaint Resolution: Certified Personal Information Protection Organization Office
Address: Roppongi First Building, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0032
Phone Number: 03-5860-7565 / 0120-700-779